Fany Pineda, ReverdeSer. I want to start by thanking the organizers of this side-event and all the people who have assisted. At ReverdeSer Colectivo, the organization I work with, we are happy to have an opportunity to speak of such an interesting subject such as “supply side harm reduction”, which is the main focus of our …
International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC)
Side event: Towards a new international drug strategy: Implementing the recommendations of UNGASS 2016
Miguel Ruiz Camanas, Vice-Minister of Multilateral Affairs. The purpose of this panel is to discuss how we can reshape international drug control and implement the implementations of the UNGASS. In Mexico, we believe that international drug policy has not been straight forward. Since the adoption of the Single Convention in 1961, the evolving reality of the …
CND intersessional: 24 January 2017 – Evolving reality, trends and existing circumstances, emerging and persistent challenges and threats, including new psychoactive substances
Operational recommendations on Cross-cutting issues in addressing and countering the world drug problem: Evolving reality, trends and existing circumstances, emerging and persistent challenges and threats, including new psychoactive substances, in conformity with the three international drug control conventions and other relevant international instruments Angela Me, UNODC. There are many aspects of drugs that we need to …
CND Intersessional Meeting – 27 October 2016: Strengthening international cooperation based on the principle of common and shared responsibility
Post-UNGASS facilitator: We will now start discussion chapter 6, on common and shared responsibility. There are several panellists from UNODC, it makes perfect sense to have the different regional sections from UNODC present all one after the other, and then member states and then NGOS. Yuri Fedotov, executive director of UNODC: very happy to be back at the …
CND Intersessional Meeting – 11 October: Operational recommendations on crosscutting issues: Human rights, youth, children, women and communities
Chair: International Centre Human Rights and Drug Policy can fit in the chapter to be discussed now, so it will be shown during this thematic discussion. We now focus on crosscutting issues: Human rights, youth, children, women and communities. The OHCHR is represented in the room and it’s a pleasure. Valerie Lebeaux, Justice Section, UNODC: …
Side event: Contribution of alternative development to implementing the sustainable development goals
HE General Paiboon Koomchaya, Minister of Justice of Thailand. I welcome all our high level participants. We place high priority to push forward alternative development in addressing the world drug problem to address the root causes such as poverty via public health, education and social security. AD was recognised as a cash crop substitution programme. Now …