Organized by the Governments of Mexico, the Netherlands and Uruguay, the International Drug Policy Consortium and the Transnational Institute. Ann Fordham, International Drug Policy ConsortiumMember states need to resist the temptation to treat the UNGASS like a review of the 2009 Political Declaration and Plan of Action. Need a wide ranging and open debate, as …
International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC)
IDPC speech at CND Intersessional – 5th December 2014
Thank you for giving me the floor Mr. Chairman, esteemed delegates. My intervention on behalf of International Drug Policy Consortium will be in two sections, procedural and substantive, although I believe as the Uruguay representative said yesterday that the procedural is substantive. I thank the Chair and Secretariat for facilitating civil society involvement in the …
Launch of the Civil Society Task Force for the UNGASS on drugs – 3rd December 2014

The Civil Society Task Force (CSTF) for the 2016 UNGASS was launched in Vienna on Wednesday 3rd December by the Vienna and New York NGO Committees. The event was chaired by H.E. Ambassador Bente Angell –Hansen of Norway. The first speaker was Aldo Lale-Demoz, Director, UNODC Division for Operations who emphasized that civil society …
CND Inter-Sessional Session to discuss preparations for the UNGASS – 23 October 2014
MORNING SESSION Chair (Ambassador Khaled Shamaa, Egypt) : He welcomes to the 6th Inter-Sessional meeting of the CND during its 57th session. As part of his role as Chair of the CND, he reported to the Third Committee of the General Assembly on the agenda item in international drug control, in particular on the work of the …
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Side event – Harm Reduction Works
Harm Reduction Works. Examples from Around the World Invest, Kazakhstan Engage Tanzania Implement Malaysia Funded by UNAIDS, technical support agencies – PWUD. Speaker from Crimea not able to be here for obvious reasons Tanzania Case Study . Often focusing on the problems, etc. May need more development, scaling up, etc. But look …