Side event organised by Amnesty International with the support of Colombia, Czechia, Mexico, the Corporación Centro de Estudios de Derecho, Justicia y Sociedad, Elementa Derechos Humanos, the Eurasian Harm Reduction Association, the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, the International Drug Policy Consortium, the International Harm Reduction Association, the International Network of …
International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC)
Side Event: Addressing human rights challenges related to drug use in humanitarian and other crisis settings
Organised by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights with the support of Belgium, Czechia, Mexico, Paraguay, Switzerland, Uruguay, the World Health Organization, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the Agence Française de Développement, the Alliance for Public Health, the …
Side Event. Health and HIV in prisons: Effective strategies to address urgent needs
Organised by Penal Reform International with the support of Belgium, Brazil, Czechia, Mexico, Sweden and the International Drug Policy Consortium Ehab Salah – Advisor on Prisons and HIV, HIV/AIDS Section, UNODC: Thank you very much for joining us today and this very important CND side event on health and HIV in prison settings effective …
Side event: “Nothing about us without us”: Opportunities to involve youth in drug policy
Organized by the Students for Sensible Drug Policy with the support of Australia, Canada, the Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy, Youth RISE, Sensible Drug Policy Australia and the International Drug Policy Consortium Liv, CSSDP. Let’s get sensible. CSSDP supports drug education efforts to provide realistic cannabis education through peer to peer services and guidance. We …
Side Event: Drug Policy In Latin America
Friday Ibarra (MUCD), Juan Fernandez Ochoa (International Drug Policy Consortium), Adriana Muro (Elementa DDHH), Pablo Cymerman (Intercambios A.C.), Ernesto Cortes (LANPUD) Friday 17th March 2022 9am-10am Juan Fernandez Ochoa (International Drug Policy Consortium): Dear colleagues, My name is Juan Fernández Ochoa. I work with the International Drug Policy Consortium and I am grateful to see …
Side event. The right to health of people who use drugs: Harm reduction and access to voluntary treatments in a human rights perspective
Organised by the Forum Droghe with the support of the International Drug Policy Consortium, Harm Reduction International, the European Network of People who Use Drugs, la Società della Ragione and the Associazione Luca Coscioni Adria Cots – IDPC: Let me start but trying to share some definitions about harm reduction. Within the context of UN …