Argentina: Good morning. Thanks the board, chairman. Argentina starts a new period in its history and the issue of the drugs is one of the key issues, for us, this work is fundamental. Argentina is taking a new approach; drugs are apart of our reality. Everything that has been decided will be reviewed. Provincial authorities, …
International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
Working with drug offenders inside and outside prisons – Good practices and recommendations
Organized by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the UNODC Justice Section and the Italian Red Cross in partnership with Villa Maraini Foundation. Wolfgang Kopetzky, Former secretary general of Austrian Red Cross This is an extremely relevant and urgent topic. Over the past decade treatment and alternatives to imprisonment have received …
UNGASS Special Segment Day 3 – Interactive discussion on Cross-cutting issues: New challenges, threats and realities in preventing and addressing the world drug problem in compliance with relevant international law
UNODC Introduction – New challenges have emerged in recent years related to new harmful substances and new trafficking route, and new trafficking modus operandi. Successes can be claimed in terms of reduced illicit cultivation and improved treatment services. But, challenges remain in ensuring the right balance in reduction of both demand and supply. Some of the challenges …
CND Intersessional – 23 February 2015 (Morning session)
The main discussions this morning were held around the scheduling of ketamine proposed by China. The Chair opens the session. 1 – Agenda for the special segment of CND focused on the UNGASS In the last CND interssesional of 29th January, member-states discussed the agenda for the Special Session on the UNGASS at this year …
CND Plenary Day 3 – Red Cross
More humanitarian aspects of drug policy. Encouraging to see the shift. Put an end to the horrors of the drug war. Advocate for pragmatic and evidence-based policies. Reduce negative consequences of drug use. Harm reduction activities being implemented by Red Cross. However, this is not enough. Need drug policy reforms. Countries will be better served …
Side Event: Preventing Overdose
Preventing Overdose Side Event. Dr. Gerra. UNODC. Introduces Michael Boticelli. Speaking of principles who take care of people in all stages of disease. Cannot recover if you can’t survive. Change mentality of society in general. When you die there is someone else to take care of you. Cannot imagine that you can die without someone …