Youth Forum – Students from Montenegro & Qatar: Students from over 30 countries have come together to express concerns over drug issues, and to try to propose a way forward in what seems like a an impossible goal. Collective ideas from fresh eyes can bring progress. A broad approach is the best way to deal …
International Network of People Who Use Drugs (INPUD)
CND Intersessional – 23rd January: Operational recommendations on cross-cutting issues: Human rights, youth, children, women and communities
UNODC Justice Section: Chapter contains 2 sets of recommendations concerning vulnerable members of society and criminal justice proceedings. Those concerning vulnerable peoples discuss the needs of children drug offenders/those affected by drugs and mainstreaming a gender perspective in drug policy. Children must be appropriately considered in criminal justice proceedings. UNODC developed a global programme to …
CND Intersessional Meeting – 11 October: Operational recommendations on crosscutting issues: Human rights, youth, children, women and communities
Chair: International Centre Human Rights and Drug Policy can fit in the chapter to be discussed now, so it will be shown during this thematic discussion. We now focus on crosscutting issues: Human rights, youth, children, women and communities. The OHCHR is represented in the room and it’s a pleasure. Valerie Lebeaux, Justice Section, UNODC: …
Side Event: The impact of drug policies on women who use drugs: Perspectives on gender equality, human rights and harm reduction
Organised by the Government of Brazil, National Advocates for Pregnant Women, Amnesty International, Harm Reduction Coalition, Eurasian Harm Reduction Network, International Network of People who Use Drugs, and Open Society Foundations. ‘On the occasion of the UNGASS on the World Drug Problem, please join us for an important discussion about the impact of drug policies …
Side event – The human rights impacts of drug policy
Moderator – Andrea of PRI: introducing panel with Ruth Dreifuss (former President of Switzerland), Robert Husbands (author of book on drug policy), Monique Middlehoff (Gender Mobilization Unit, UNAIDS) and Marie Nougier of IDPC. We published a 10 point plan together with IDPC, please find it available here. Robert Husbands, OHCHR: I will focus on HR …
Side Event: UNGASS: Women who use Drugs in Focus
Ruth Birgin, INPUD: Women’s rights rarely feature in discussions of the world drug problem, and are not sufficiently recognized by UN drug control agencies. Both UNODC and INCB do not demonstrate due regard to women’s rights obligations. Negative consequences of the world drug problem are the result of, and are being exasperated by, the policy …