The dialogue begins with a defensive statement about the INCB’s position within the drug control regime. This is followed by a personal defence on the individual members of the INCB… Essentially that they “are unpaid, retired professionals chosen because of their knowledge.” This was followed by a description of the role of the INCB – …
International Network of People Who Use Drugs (INPUD)
Informal civil society hearing – Panel 2
Panel 2. When is it ‘appropriate’ for affected populations and civil society entities to play a participatory role in the formulation and implementation of drug policy? The objective of this session was to define the “were appropriate” from the Political Declaration. Sandeep Chawla, UNODC This question is part of the bureaucracy of the process. In …
Plenary – Statement from INPUD on Agenda item 6(a)
Agenda item 6(a) – UNODC and HIV prevention related to injecting drug use Thank you Madame Chair, This statement is delivered on behalf of the International Network of People Who Use Drugs, which is composed of members of one of the key affected populations in the HIV epidemic. The statement is supported by Harm Reduction …
Plenary Day 3. Drug demand reduction and treatment : INPUD/HRI and IDPC statement
Thank you Madame Chair, This statement is delivered on behalf of Harm Reduction International, the International Network of People Who Use Drugs and the International Drug Policy Consortium. There can be no ambiguity when it comes to global efforts to reach zero new HIV infections. Thirty years of HIV/AIDS has clearly taught us what works …
Day 3: Informal Dialogue with Executive Director of the UNODC, Yuri Fedotov
The informal dialogue starts of with a question to Mr Fedotov about access to opioid-based pain relief medicines. Mr Fedotov agrees and states that the conventions are not intended to be prohibitive but are intended to control drugs. Following this there is a question, highlighting the experiences about Canada, Israel and the Netherlands, on access …
IHRA statement at CND plenary session under Agenda item #7
Thank you, Madam Chairman This statement is made on behalf of: • The International Harm Reduction Association • The International Network of People Who Use Drugs • Penal Reform International • Human Rights Watch • International Drug Policy Consortium • The German Coalition Against the Death Penalty • The Open Society Foundations Drug Policy Programme …