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Plenary: Item 11. Preparations for the ministerial segment to be held during the sixty-second session of the Commission, in 2019.

Third Vice Chair (…) Bulgaria (on behalf of the European Union) (Aligned: Turkey, (…), FYROM, Montenegro, Iceland, Albania, Bosnia, Ukraine, Moldova, Armenia, Moldova and San Marino): We reaffirm the commitments of the Conventions. This needs to be complemented with overarching policies and priorities to solve and minimise social and safety threats resulting from abuse. Particularly …

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Committee of the Whole (Thursday – Morning) – Resolution L.7 – Promoting measures to prevent transmission of HI and other blood-borne diseases associated with the use of drugs from mothers to babies during pregnancy, birth or breastfeeding

Chair: L7 followed by L11 – L9, L4, L10, L6. Can we be conscious of the clock please and maintain spirit of flexibility. Norway: A brief presentation of this resolution. Without any intervention a large number of pregnant women will transfer the virus to their babies. Providing antiviral drugs has a dramatic reduction in transmission …

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