GRULAC – H.E. Ana H. Chacon, Vice President, Costa Rica – Costa Rica never saw drug use as a crime, but as a problem to be dealt with from a health perspective. We didn’t put people in prison for using drugs. In 2002, passed a law to use 60% of resources from seized drugs to …
UNGASS Roundtable 2: Supply reduction and related measures
Chair: Opens session. We seek to put through a number of questions on how to enhance cooperation, and we seek to look at the obstacles that apply to this. How can we improve the capacity of different entities to face new challenges, including the use of the internet in trafficking drugs? A new question that can …
UNGASS Roundtable 1: Demand reduction and related measures
Demand reduction and related measures, including prevention and treatment, as well as health-related issues; an ensuring the availability of controlled substances for medical and scientific purposes, while preventing their diversion. (‘Drugs and health’) Chair: in order to encourage an interactive discussion, this will be conducted without a list of speakers. All participants at round tables …
Side event – Effective drug policies without the death penalty
Chiara Sangiorgio. Amnesty International. Several organisations have highlighted alarming increases in the use of the death penalty for drug offences. H.E. Martin Van Rijn, Minister for Health, Netherlands. We constantly speak out for the protection of human rights. Death penalty is far too common worldwide. It is cruel punishment. The Netherlands supports organisations seeking to eliminate the death …
Resolution L2: Application of the principle of proportionality in implementing drug control policies (continued)
Link to the Initial draft version of the resolution can be found here. Chair: Good morning. Where we stand on different resolutions, it is clear a lot of good work has happened last night and this morning. It is my intention to start with L2. Let me say at first, that everything that has been …
Resolution L2. Application of the principle of proportionality in implementing drug control policies (continued)
Netherlands. We had informal informals with interested delegations and a solution was found for almost all outstanding issues. I ask the UK and Italian delegations to present the conclusions on behalf of the EU. Preliminary paragraph 4 Italy. We had intensive discussions, with the most concerned delegations, in particular Vietnam and China. I will introduce amendments agreed. …