Resolution L12: Follow-up on measures to support African States in their efforts to combat the world drug problem Sponsors: Peru on behalf group of G77 and china and South Africa on the behalf of African states No additional appropriation of the budget needed. The Venezuelan delegation gives an explanation of its position on this resolution …
Ivory Coast
Committee of the Whole – Resolutions L3
Resolution L3 – Reintegration of persons released from prison who have renounced drug abuse Sponsors: Burkino Faso, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Thailand, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and US 38600 USD to collect info. Expert group be formed in meeting in Vienna. 5 regional trainings at country level. Grants to treatment institutions. 71,000 USD to prepare the report Adopted! Cosponsors …
Plenary, Day 3. Drug demand reduction and treatment : Cote D’ivoire
Young people is our priority and education is our main target. A whole range of other issues lead to drug use, such as armed conflict and government instability making the country very vulnerable to drug use. This has lead to a rise in HIV infections. The number of drug addicts has risen and we lack …
CND Day 2 – Plenary statement by Cote D’Ivoire on regional and interregional cooperation
The Western African region is not just used as transit region by traffickers but it is also experiencing growing cannabis cultivation. Thanked UNODC for its support in combating this trend.
Statement of Cote D’Ivoire at HLM
The statement said that the country was ‘Facing the worst crisis in its entire history’. It expressed concern about the prevalence of ‘smoking dens’, noting that 29 smoking dens had been destroyed during recent police operations. Drugs lead to the spread of HIV in the country both via injecting and via unsafe sexual behaviours.