Chair: Welcome. In terms of good health and well being, at a time when all over the world we are facing serious challenge due to the COVID19 and its resulting restrictions, my best wishes from our team here. Before we proceed forward in today’s important meeting on the agenda, I would like to give the …
Side Event: A framework for multilateralism – the pathways to and from the international drug control regime

Chair, Singapore: We’ve seen that unilateralism didn’t work and there was a turn to multilateralism. The Commission was then pushed by various activists that led to the signing of the Opium Convention, the first internationally binding agreement that was the basis for the current drug control conventions. Tomorrow is the 55th anniversary of our first …
Side event: Malaysia’s integrated approach to the drug problem
Organized by the Government of Malaysia. Addressing the threat of kratom and methamphetamine in Malaysia Permanent Representative of Malaysia in Vienna: Kratom is a growing threat in our region and we have two experts who will share their experience concerning this menace of kratom and methamphetamine. National Anti-Drugs Agency: Kratom is a tropical tree that can grow …
Plenary: Item 4. General debate of the ministerial segment (cont…)
Malaysia: This week, we charge direction of our way forward and building on the last decade. We strongly believe that existing conventions and other relevant international instrument are the basis for world drug policy in term of challenges in the years to come. It is a sovereign right of every MS to take into account …
CND 61st Session Reconvened – Wednesday, 5 December 2018
CHAIR: Good morning and welcome to the reconvened 61st session of CND. I would like to draw our attention to this document and whether we can agree on the proposed organisation of the work for this reconvened session. I see no comments so agreed. We will now proceed with item 11 in regards to the …
CND Intersessional Meeting, 9 November 2018: Preparations for the ministerial segment to be held during the 62nd session of the CND
Chair: We will start our fourth day of the fifth intersessional. We had a very productive meeting with good exchanges for all of us. With regard to the organisational segment, this will be in preparation for the Ministerial Segment of the 62nd Session of CND 2019. We will discuss these preparations and we still have …