Chair: We will start our fourth day of the fifth intersessional. We had a very productive meeting with good exchanges for all of us. With regard to the organisational segment, this will be in preparation for the Ministerial Segment of the 62nd Session of CND 2019. We will discuss these preparations and we still have …
CND Intersessional Meeting, 8 November 2018: Taking stock of the implementation of the commitments made to jointly address and counter the world drug problem
Chair: We focus now on the 2019 target date. (panel) Statistical Committee / Angela Me: Our five targets are, as you know, eliminate or reduce significantly and measurably (1) illicit cultivation of opium, coca and cannabis (2) illicit demand of drugs and drug-related health and social risks (3) illicit market of synthetic drugs (4) diversion …
CND Intersessional Meeting, 7 November 2018: Implementation of the international drug control treaties, international cooperation, synthetic opioids and inter-agency cooperation
Chair: In memory of Ambassador Christine Stix-Hackl – 1 minute of silence. Thank you. Let’s turn to our agenda points. Proposed dates for the roundtables have been circulated and tomorrow at 9 am we start with informal consultations for fine-tuning. Regarding the draft outline, it was sent out last night so now you can review …
CND intersessional meeting, 22 October 2018: Supply reduction and related measures
MORNING SESSION Chair: Welcome – Adopting the agenda. Before we start, let me reiterate a few guidelines: limit intervention to 5 minutes, delegation from the floor please keep it short and feel strongly encouraged to comment and ask questions to the panellists, there will be no list of speakers, the floor will draw the attention of …
CND intersessional meeting, 28 September 2018: Preparations for the ministerial segment to be held during the 62nd session of the CND
Chair: Good morning. I have chaired for 9 months now. It is very important that we don’t fight and say one document is more important than the other. Bear in mind that what we are building today needs to be structured but we also need to decide what we propose in December. We need to …
CND intersessional meeting, 27 september 2018: Cross-cutting issues: drugs, and human rights, youth, children, women and communities
CHAIR: Good morning to all of you. Welcome back to our third day thematic segment. Today cross cutting issues human rights, youth, children and communities. We will continue with the considerations from yesterday along with a number of statements and presentations. UNODC Justice Section Chief, Valerie Lebaux: Thank you for giving me the opportunity to …