Organised by the Governments of the Netherlands and Norway, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the United Nations Development Programme, UNAIDS, the World Health Organization, the International Drug Policy Consortium, AFEW International, Harm Reduction International, the International Network of People who Use Drugs, Open Society Foundation, Aidsfonds, and Frontline AIDS. HE Marco Hennis, …
Plenary: Item 9. Implementation of the international drug control treaties
European Union: the EU and its member states are committed to the implementation of the three un drug conventions. The EU and its member states welcome the opportunity to reflect on drug control and human rights. Successful drug control intervention needs to be evidence-based approached in line with the drug control convention. The protection of human …
Side event: Innovations in drug investigation: Decrypting crypto phones
Organized by the Government of the Netherlands and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Cybercrime and Anti-Money Laundering Section. Hans Abma/ Dutch Ministry of Justice & Security: [opening remarks and gratitudes] We will be discussing drug organised crime under the general organised crime within the Dutch example. We will try to show you …
Side event: The complexity of the drug problem and the need to update national legislation
Antonio De Leo, UNODC (Chair): The world drug problem is complex, we all know that. It requires a comprehensive approach to tackle its causes and consequences. The Ministerial Segment of CND is a good opportunity to review and evaluate how each country and region can adapt their own drug legislation and frameworks to realities. Implementing …
Plenary: Item 4. General debate of the ministerial segment
Chair: There are a record number of states attending this ministerial segment. Statements should not exceed 5 mins. Regional groups are allotted 7 mins. Permanent representative of Egypt, on behalf of G77 and China: It’s my honour to speak on the behalf of the group. Congrats to the chair for being elected and other elected members. …
CND 61st Session Reconvened – Wednesday, 5 December 2018
CHAIR: Good morning and welcome to the reconvened 61st session of CND. I would like to draw our attention to this document and whether we can agree on the proposed organisation of the work for this reconvened session. I see no comments so agreed. We will now proceed with item 11 in regards to the …