Chair: Merging of the three NPS resolutions into L13. Currently in the process of being translated. Informals started this morning. We will likely have it introduced this afternoon. L2 making good progress. Will be able to discuss it this afternoon or even this morning. Greece: We provided a draft with no track changes. Tried to …
Resolution L8. Mainstreaming a gender perspective into drug-related policies and programmes
Mexico: Would like to thank Australia for its co-sponsorship of this resolution. PP1. No comments. PP2. Russia: Can we delete “Welcoming the efforts made by Member States to achieve and comply with the provisions of” and replace with “Reaffirming the obligations under”? And add “as the cornerstone of the international drug control system” to the …
Side Event: Strengthening the Rule of Law to Achieve Sustainable Alternative Development
Amb. Sirisamoot, Chair: the Royal Thai Government in 2015 posted a second statement in the interest of implementing the conventions. The conference came up with a set of operational recommendations. I have the pleasure to chair this conference, and would like to draw your attention to one of the key recommendations. Namely that good governance …
UNGASS special segment, first meeting
PGA – As you all know too well, April’s special segment is very timely. Drugs continue to pose a serious threat to sustainable development, endanger communities, undermine rule of law. Our responsibility to address this transnational problem and advance a global and effective response. Your work today has been instrumental for identifying the modalities for …
CND Intersessional – 24 February 2016
Chairs of CND and UNGASS Preparations open with information on logistics and procedures for the CND. Speaking time at the opening session will be limited. 10 draft resolutions have been received, as well as some additional scheduling recommendations. For the UNGASS, negotiations on the outcome document are ongoing and being held in “informal informals” between …
2016 Annual Parliamentary Hearing: The World Drug Problem
Session I – The world drug problem in perspective: The evolution of drugs control IPU Permanent Observer – Welcome to the annual parliamentary hearing at the UN that the IPU and the office of the PGA have organised. We welcome you all to NY. We will now turn to the President of the GA, a …