Session I – The world drug problem in perspective: The evolution of drugs control IPU Permanent Observer – Welcome to the annual parliamentary hearing at the UN that the IPU and the office of the PGA have organised. We welcome you all to NY. We will now turn to the President of the GA, a …
UNGASS Special Segment – 9 December 2015
UNGASS Board Chair – I want to inform you that under item 3 of the special segment, the CND will consider jointly subitems A (roundtables) and B (outcome) and C (other matters). We proposed that 6 meetings be conducted at the UNGASS Special Segment in March 2015. CND Chair – We have a number of high level …
High-level Thematic Debate in support of the process towards the 2016 Special Session of the General Assembly on the World Drug Problem
All official statements are now available here. Opening session H.E. Mr. Sam Kutesa, President of the 69th Session of the United Nations General Assembly The world drug problem affects us all. Drug trafficking affects national institutions. Worldwide markets are worth 332 billion dollars. Men, women and children are trapped in poverty, languish in prison. We …
UNGASS Special Segment Day 2 – Interactive discussions on demand reduction
Chair. This will include health, HIV, access to essential medicines. The format will include introductory remarks from the chair, as well as 7 minutes presentations from each panellist. Mr. Gilberto Gerra, UNODC. Introductory statement. First question to launch the debate – is it really accepted that young people, people affected by drug use disorder, people …
UNGASS Special Segment Day 1 – Statement by the Philippines
We note the progress achieved since 2009 and the adoption of the 2009 political declaration and look forward to reaching our target in 2019. We must sustain our efforts. National drug strategy has pillars: demand reduction, supply reduction, alternative development, international cooperation. But there is room for progress for the development of holistic and integrated …
CND Intersessional – Thursday 4th December, morning session
Thursday morning Pakistan: Discusses the representation of developing countries at UNODC and at field items. This need to be kept open until the countries have reached understanding. Draft decision has to be decided first. Chair: The discussion today will under corresponding items of commission’s agenda should first cover budget, and then WG on governance and …