-L2- Chair: Checking the substantive issues with the resolutions. Tabled by the USA. Any problems with title? Russia: The title- would request should put in brackets, look at whole resolution then come back to ensure it responds to main body of the resolution. Chair: Thank you. Argentina: Change the word ‘Combat’ with ‘counter’. The Netherlands: Title …
Thematic sessions – Follow up to the 2019 Ministerial Declaration, 16 October
First round of thematic sessions on the implementation of all international drug policy commitments following up to the 2019 Ministerial Declaration Theme addressed: ‘…that both the range of drugs and drugs markets are expanding and diversifying…’. Background Note by the Secretariat Morning Session Chair: Welcome INCB [Introduction of the work of INCB] … no crimes should …
Side event: Strengthening equity in health and resilience
Taking into account the social determinants and risk factors for non-medical use of drugs and criminality Chair: one important objective of public health measures is equity and must be at the core of public health work. Portugal: we propose to explore social determinants and risk factors in non medical use of drugs, it is rooted …
Roundtable discussion: Item 5a. ‘Taking stock…’
Interactive, multi-stakeholder round table of the ministerial segment: Taking stock of the implementation of all commitments made to jointly address and counter the world drug problem, in particular in the light of the 2019 target date for the goals set in paragraph 36 of the Political Declaration; analysing existing and emerging trends, gaps and challenges …
Plenary: Item 4. General debate of the ministerial segment (cont…)
Malaysia: This week, we charge direction of our way forward and building on the last decade. We strongly believe that existing conventions and other relevant international instrument are the basis for world drug policy in term of challenges in the years to come. It is a sovereign right of every MS to take into account …
CND Intersessional Meeting, 8 March 2019
Chair: Apologies for the delay. In continuance of yesterday, we agreed to suspend the meeting to consider the 2019 Ministerial Declaration. I will give the floor to facilitator, Ambassador Okeke now. Amb. Okeke, Nigeria: I happily report we were able to conclude the informal consultations on the draft declaration yesterday night by 9:50pm. I know …