UNODC: The meeting of the subsidiary body targeting illicit drug trafficking showed issues faced by the countries, and the role of the law enforcement. The crucial need for toughening law enforcement techniques through specialised personnel and technology. As a result of rich and lively discussions there are many forward looking recommendations, I would like to …
Republic of Korea
Item 12. Inter-agency cooperation and coordination of efforts in addressing and countering the world drug problem
Director of Division for Policy Analysis, UNODC: conference room papers CRP.5 and CRP.10 have been submitted to this session. UNGASS outcome document reaffirmed purpose of collaboration and strengthening international cooperation. UNODC joins forces with other UN agencies and Secretariat supports CND to strengthen cooperation, including status of women and UN Statistical Commission, and SDGs. Want …
Plenary: Item 4. General debate of the ministerial segment (cont…)
Malaysia: This week, we charge direction of our way forward and building on the last decade. We strongly believe that existing conventions and other relevant international instrument are the basis for world drug policy in term of challenges in the years to come. It is a sovereign right of every MS to take into account …
Plenary Session: Item 8. Inter-agency cooperation and coordination of efforts in addressing and countering the world drug problem
Chair: The CND in its follow up process to the Special Session aims to foster cooperation with other ECOSOC commissions: status of women, statistical, science and development. This provides an opportunity for further collaboration, interaction and information exchange. Head of Treaty Affairs, UNODC: As we know, the UNGASS outcome document reaffirmed the importance of collaboration …
Plenary Session: Item 7. Follow-up to the special session of the General Assembly on the world drug problem held in 2016, including the seven thematic areas of the outcome document of the special session.
Chair: Member states committed to report timely on their progress in implementing the recommendations set out in the Outcome Document. The Commission held two rounds of discussion in 2016 and decided to continue holding such discussions; a third thematic discussion was held in 2017. Ambassador Moitinho de Almeida of Portugal: As CND facilitator for the …
Plenary: Item 5. Implementation of the international drug control treaties (Wednesday 14th Morning Session)
(a) Changes in the scope of control of substances Secretary: For Item 5a on changing in the scope of control of substances proposed scheduling recommendations initiated by the WHO. It reflects comments from governments on factors related to recommendation initiated by the WHO. The Commision will examine recommendation on 12 substances as applicable to the …