Russia expresses concern at volume of drugs coming into the country from Afghanistan. Russia established a state counter-narcotics committee which includes law enforcement, health, education, sports and others. Nrcotcs addiction is a ‘socially significant disease’. Harm reduction distracts states’ attention that would otherwise be spent on drug demand reduction. Russia supports Japan’s position on harm …
Russian Federation’s response to INCB statement
The Russian Federation thanked the INCB for its report, and for ‘standing in the defense of the international narcotics control regime’, and that it should ‘stand watchful’ against the attempts to ‘dilute the regime’. Russia expressed concerns about supply and traffic of precursor chemicals, and the supply of heroin from Afghanistan. Russia urged strict adherence …
Committee of the Whole – Consideration of resolutions
Delegation want to support Argentina cannot accpt chanbge to 1 and 2 Mexico delegation agrees with previous countries teaxt has been painfully China supports what was said by Sudan and other delegation Pakistan minimum agreed upon the previous speakers Colombia ab lib Russian Fed supoorts aht was the agreed text Indonesia agree withe the resolution …
Statement of the Russian Federation
Russia began its statement by saying that the language describing progress over the past 10 years in the new Political Declaration is ‘excessively optimistic’ when it comes to opium, as production has actually increased. The Russian Federation spoke at length about opium production in Afghanistan, and noted that Russia preparing UN General Assembly resolution on …