MORNING SESSION Chair: Welcome – Adopting the agenda. Before we start, let me reiterate a few guidelines: limit intervention to 5 minutes, delegation from the floor please keep it short and feel strongly encouraged to comment and ask questions to the panellists, there will be no list of speakers, the floor will draw the attention of …
CND intersessional meeting, 28 September 2018: Preparations for the ministerial segment to be held during the 62nd session of the CND
Chair: Good morning. I have chaired for 9 months now. It is very important that we don’t fight and say one document is more important than the other. Bear in mind that what we are building today needs to be structured but we also need to decide what we propose in December. We need to …
CND intersessional meeting, 25 september 2018: Demand reduction and related measures
Chair: Good Morning. I invite the floor to adopt the provisional agenda. No comments from the floor – adopted. Welcome to the third intersessional period of the Commission of Narcotic Drugs’ sixty-first session, the thematic segment of the Continuation of preparations for the ministerial segment of the sixty-second session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, to …
CND intersessional, 25 June 2018
The 2nd Intersessional Meeting of the 61st session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs took place in Vienna on the 25th of June 2018. The meeting started with Chair Alicia Buenrostro Massieu of Mexico presenting the agenda for adoption, then proceeded to the first agenda point: Follow-up to the regular 61st session of CND, resolution …
Plenary: Item 11. Preparations for the ministerial segment to be held during the sixty-second session of the Commission, in 2019.
Third Vice Chair (…) Bulgaria (on behalf of the European Union) (Aligned: Turkey, (…), FYROM, Montenegro, Iceland, Albania, Bosnia, Ukraine, Moldova, Armenia, Moldova and San Marino): We reaffirm the commitments of the Conventions. This needs to be complemented with overarching policies and priorities to solve and minimise social and safety threats resulting from abuse. Particularly …
Committee of the Whole (Thursday – Morning) – Resolution L.7 – Promoting measures to prevent transmission of HI and other blood-borne diseases associated with the use of drugs from mothers to babies during pregnancy, birth or breastfeeding
Chair: L7 followed by L11 – L9, L4, L10, L6. Can we be conscious of the clock please and maintain spirit of flexibility. Norway: A brief presentation of this resolution. Without any intervention a large number of pregnant women will transfer the virus to their babies. Providing antiviral drugs has a dramatic reduction in transmission …