Organized by the Government of the Netherlands and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Cybercrime and Anti-Money Laundering Section. Hans Abma/ Dutch Ministry of Justice & Security: [opening remarks and gratitudes] We will be discussing drug organised crime under the general organised crime within the Dutch example. We will try to show you …
Side event: Human rights challenge: One year after, extrajudicial killings continue
Message by Senator Leila M. De Lima: A pleasant day to everyone. From Camp Crame in Manila, I extend my warm greetings to the organizers, fellow speakers and participants of this side event aptly titled: Human Rights Challenge: Drug War Extrajudicial Killings Continue. I am grateful for this invitation to engage with you on the occasion …
CND intercessional – 25 January 2017: Operational recommendations on Strengthening international cooperation based on the principle of common and shared responsibility
Angela Me, UNODC. UNGASS has enabled us to understand the new realities and to build on objective and quality information. This is what I can read from the outcome document in terms of data and statistics. We need more and better information, especially on NPS, on the dark net. Research has been undertaken at regional level …
UNGASS roundtable 4: New challenges, threats and realities
Co-chair 1: Good morning, we will start. Let me call the 4th round table on the world drug problem. Let me take this opportunity to cordially welcome all of you to the deliberation today. The round-table is entitled: Cross-cutting issues, new challenges, threats and realities. I read Forbes magazine last night, it was stressed last …
Informal NGO dialogue with the President of the INCB
Werner Sipp, President of INCB: Thank you VNGOC for this meeting and I look forward to this dialogue and to continue our cooperation – both here in Vienna and in our country missions. Your inputs and insights have always been valuable, and we appreciate them in various contexts in all regions of the world. NGOs …
Informal dialogue with UNODC Executive Director, Yury Fedotov
Yury Fedotov, UNODC. I welcome the work of the VNGOC and the CSTF. You have done useful preparations for the UNGASS. This dialogue is a useful tradition. The voice of NGOs is important. Active participation of NGOs, CSO representatives for an inclusive UNGASS preparatory process is important. 35 side events are organised by NGOs and …