Australia: We have worked in informals and found compromise on some of the paragraphs. These include preambular paragraphs that acknowledge that ketamine is a WHO essential medicine, and recalls resolution 57/10 on ketamine trafficking. So open the floor for comments on these. China: Add “trafficking” and “assess the extent of this problem at the national, …
Resolution L3. Promoting cooperation with the scientific community, including academia, in the development of effective drug control policies
E/CN.7/2016/L.3 Egypt: When we say “promoting informal networking within the scientific community” what are we aiming at? Russia: The aim is to promote the use of science in drug policy. Egypt: We can go along with that. PP1 Egypt: Change to “to drug demand reduction and supply reduction”. This is the language used in the 2009 Political …
Side event: After UNGASS: What happens between 2016 and 2019?
Martin Matter, Switzerland: Timely to start thinking about what will come next. One certainty. Political declaration and plan of action will reach their target date in 2019. Targets will be reviewed and updated in three years from now. Result is likely to be a new declaration and plan of action for 2020, with a target …
UNGASS special segment, fifth meeting
Argentina: Good morning. Thanks the board, chairman. Argentina starts a new period in its history and the issue of the drugs is one of the key issues, for us, this work is fundamental. Argentina is taking a new approach; drugs are apart of our reality. Everything that has been decided will be reviewed. Provincial authorities, …
Side Event: Improving system-wide coherence by reprioritising metrics to evaluate illicit drug policy
Side event organised by ICSDP, GDPO, Transform, IDPC, Switzerland, Mexico and Brazil. Dave Bewley-Taylor, University of Swansea Global Drug Policy Observatory. The Sustainable Development Goals that have been agreed by the United Nations further amplify the need for better drug policy metrics. Drugs can be seen as influential across all the Sustainable Development Goals – …
2016 Annual Parliamentary Hearing: The World Drug Problem
Session I – The world drug problem in perspective: The evolution of drugs control IPU Permanent Observer – Welcome to the annual parliamentary hearing at the UN that the IPU and the office of the PGA have organised. We welcome you all to NY. We will now turn to the President of the GA, a …