The United Nations (UN) member states are currently working on a ‘Joint Ministerial Statement’ to review progress and challenges in international drug control since the agreement of a Political Declaration on drugs in 2009. The Statement will be released in March. This intersessional meeting was another opportunity for member state delegations to discuss and recommend …
CND Intersessional Meeting – Wednesday 25th September 2013

This intersessional meeting was intended as the first day of formal negotiations on the draft of the Joint Ministerial Statement (JMS) for the 2014 High Level Segment. However, the Peruvian Chair stated at the opening that the original plan – to produce a collation of member state comments/proposals, then work through them systematically in three …
Adoption of final report of CND
Chair of the CoW We had before us 16 draft proposals which have been approved by the Committee of the Whole. A full list of the resolutions is available at: There has been a request to consider the draft resolution on Afghanistan first. Resolution E/CN7/2013/L10/REF1 – Strengthening international cooperation in combating illicit opiates originating …
Comments on INCB report by Switzerland, Thailand, USA.
Switzerland: Regular criminal proceedings are dispensed with, saving n costs and easing pressure on police. People who are 18 or older will be a fined 100 swiss frans. no more than 10 grams. HIV and IDU are a major issue, and we recommend the INCB make more of an issue on this in future reports. Thailand: Concerned …
Modernising Drug Law Enforcement – Side Event
IDPC Law enforcement project Mike Trace – IDPC This law enforcement project is a joint IDPC / Chatham house / International Institute Strategic Studies project. The project aims to stimulate debate around how drug enforcement managers can deal with the challenges faced by the changes in the drug market. How do we address the harms of the drug market? David …
Committee of the Whole – Resolution L9
Developing an international electronic import and export authorisation system for licit trade of controlled substances. Sponsors: Croatia, Denmark on behalf of the EU, Albania, United States. Amendment to operative paragraph 2, the rest of text is deleted as the same text is contained in operative paragraph 6. Budgetary Implications 506,000 dollars to develop deploy and …