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Side event: Integrated methadone programme with take away doses for people with opioid use disorders in Tanzania

Organized by the government of the United Republic of Tanzania, the European Union, and Fundacion Internacional y para Iberoamerica de Administration y Politicas Publicas (FIIAPP) Col M.M. Abdallah, Chairman, NDLEA, Nigeria chaired. Welcomes empirical studies, has seen impact when visiting Tanzania, good example of EU and African country cooperation. Tom Carter, lead of Heroin Route …

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Roundtable discussion: Item 5b. ‘Safeguarding the future…’

Interactive, multi-stakeholder round table of the ministerial segment: Safeguarding the future: enhancing our efforts to respond to the world drug problem through strengthening international cooperation, including means of implementation, capacity-building and technical assistance, on the basis of common and shared responsibility Chair: Welcome. Today I have a double function, in addition to chair I am …

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CND intersessional meeting, 27 september 2018: Cross-cutting issues: drugs, and human rights, youth, children, women and communities

CHAIR: Good morning to all of you. Welcome back to our third day thematic segment. Today cross cutting issues human rights, youth, children and communities. We will continue with the considerations from yesterday along with a number of statements and presentations. UNODC Justice Section Chief, Valerie Lebaux: Thank you for giving me the opportunity to …

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CND intersessional meeting, 26 september 2018: Access to controlled substances for medical and scientific purposes

Chair: Good Morning. Let’s start right away with the presentations and take advantage of the opportunity to conduct interactive sessions. PANEL: Dr. Gilberto Gerra, Chief of Drug Prevention and Health Branch, UNODC: Access to controlled drugs for medical purposes while preventing misuse and diversion. For long time this aspect was not paid attention so now …

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