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Statement of Thailand on item 8

We reiterate our commitment to the principle of shared responsibility to counter the world drug problem. We reiterate our commitment to support the high level review of the implementation of the plan of action. We should also encourage more international cooperation. Adequate resources should be available, especially at a time where the world is experiencing …

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Resolution L8 (continued)

Two items outstanding in OP3. Venezuela: A new part was agreed for the paragraph. Norway prefers to stick to the wording of the Political Declaration and makes some amendments on the text. OP 3a: Thailand, for a better understanding, wants to propose an addition focusing on “policies and programmes, with a focus on education, prevention, …

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Committee of the Whole – Resolution L16: United Nations Guiding Principles on Alternative Development

Sponsored by: Colombia, Japan, Peru and Thailand You can download the text here Discussion around small changes in the title with the sponsors insisting to keep title as it is. Pre ample text: Some small text included on “eradicating illicit cultivation of narcotic plants.” Iran and Russia keen to include eradication as alternative development measure Long discussion around inducing “eradication” as some member …

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