Resolution L3 – Reintegration of persons released from prison who have renounced drug abuse Sponsors: Burkino Faso, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Thailand, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and US 38600 USD to collect info. Expert group be formed in meeting in Vienna. 5 regional trainings at country level. Grants to treatment institutions. 71,000 USD to prepare the report Adopted! Cosponsors …
Plenary Day 4. Supply Reduction
Thailand The Thai delegation state that unsustainable alternative development can serve as a way to combat the cultivation of illicit crops and that law enforcement alone cannot solve the problem. To achieve long-term success they state it is important to create infrastructure. Venezuela The Venezuelan delegation is of the view that despite the stepped up …
Committee of the Whole – Resolution L11
Promotion of the use of a global seal for products of alternative development, including preventive development, as a mechanism for facilitating and stimulating trade in products from areas affected by and vulnerable to the world drug problem presented by Bolivia US states that the word commerce is outside of its expertise. Out of the mandate …
Official side event – Celebrating 100 years of the Opium Convention
INCB President The event started with an introduction of the international drug control system since the Shanghai Conference in 1909 and the signature of the International Opium Convention in 1912. Since then, a series of conventions were signed: – 1925, the International Opium Convention with the creation of the Permanent Central Opium Board – 1931, …
Round Table A : Statement from Thailand
We need to encourage a more considered effort to tackle drugs. It is vital that the rule of law is abided by at all time. Encouraging shared responsibly is vital and cooperation is important and we are willing and are committed to working with other international partners. We will share our experiences and want to …
CND day 4 – Plenary: Thailand
Thailand organizes regular workshops and conferences (and did one in 2010) for different agencies on variety of issues related to drugs. Thailand is also leading the initiative of international conference of alternative developments; Thailand would like to have a high level representatives to the conference; invites international financial institutions, internaitonal development agencies to participate in …