Organized by New Zealand Drug Foundation with the support of Australia, Canada, OHCHR, IDPC, Harm Reduction International, Open Society Foundations, the Aboriginal Drug and Alcohol Council, the International Indigenous Drug Policy Alliance, Te Rau Ora and the Thunderbird Partnership Foundation of Canada Speakers: Gilbert Taurua, Moderator, Aotearoa (New Zealand) Tracey Potiki, Aotearoa (New Zealand) Dr …
Thunderbird Partnership Foundation
Side Event: Inequities Laid Bare: Responding to Challenges of COVID-19 and Beyond
Organized by the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction with the support of Canada, and the Canadian Drug Policy Coalition, the Centre on Drug Policy Evaluation, the Community Addictions Peer Support Association (CAPSA), the HIV Legal Network and the Thunderbird Partnership Foundation How has the COVID-19 pandemic worsened existing inequities and negatively affected priority …
Side Event: Working towards equitable access to treatment of problematic substance use for Indigenous peoples
Organized by Canada and New Zealand, and New Zealand Drug Foundation, Te Rau Ora Ltd and the Thunderbird Partnership Foundation. Michelle Boudreau, Health Canada: Welcome. Sincere thanks to organizers that did an tremendous amount work to prepare for this event. First Nations peoples experience extremely high levels violence and poverty and intergenerational trauma due to …