Yury Fedatov, UNODC Executive Director When we talk about alternative development we are talking about small farmers under intense pressure to engage in illicit crop cultivation. Alt dev is part of balanced strategy and sustainable development. Discussions on alt dev happening at CND and will happen at UNGASS. Yury always insists on seeing alt development …
Transnational Institute (TNI)
IDPC/WOLA/TNI side event: The Latin American agenda for drug policy reform
The participants in this side event, organised by IDPC, the Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) and the Transnational Institute (TNI) were Pedro Arenas, representative of the Observatory of Crops Declared to be Illicit, former mayor of San José del Guaviare, and former member of the Colombian Congress, Coletta Youngers, IDPC Representative and Senior Fellow …
NGO Dialogue with UNODC Executive Director, Yuri Fedotov
Introduction Mr. Fedotov thanks Michel Perron and the VNGOC for their work in organising this event. Mr. Fedotov admires the work done by NGOs in many countries to help UNODC implement their mandate. He thanks all NGOs for their support now and for the future. NGOs are welcome to come to UNODC. World Federation Against …
IDPC/TNI side event on cannabis and the 1961 Convention
Introduction to the session: Dave Bewley Taylor Over the past years, there have been some soft and hard defections on cannabis control. It is now time to discuss alternatives that are based on facts and evidence. TNI worked on a report on cannabis, which is looking at the hard defections in the USA and other …
Side event – Interrelationship between illicit drugs and socio-economic development
The relationship between law enforcement and public health, Nick Croft Work of the Nossal Institute: information available in literature about the interrelation between production, trade and consumption, and illicit drugs. Two major organisations have done much in this area, GIZ and TNI. Observation: – Agencies involved in socio-economic development tend to neglect the relationship with …