Chile: We need to write a concrete response that includes evidence-based programs. Afghanistan: We would like to stress the importance of women and girls in these considerations. Georgia: We support Ukraine and condemn Russia. We acknowledge importance of international cooperation to protect human rights. Greece: We align with statement from the EU. We stands in solidarity with …
Trinidad and Tobago
Side event: Problem-solving strategies for drug-related offences: getting justice systems and community actors together
Organized by the Governments of the Bahamas, Canada, Trinidad and Tobago, the United States, Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission/Organization of American States, the UNODC Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section and the UNODC Justice Section. Chaired by Adam Namm, Executive Secretary of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD). Trinidad and Tobago (Chief Magistrate): Our country …
UNGASS roundtable 5: Alternative development
Alternative development; regional, interregional and international cooperation on development-oriented balanced drug control policy; addressing socioeconomic issues (i) Drugs, addressing socioeconomic issues and fostering alternative development, including preventive alternative development; (ii) Enhancing regional, interregional and international cooperation on development-oriented, balanced drug control policy; Co-Chair President Ollanta Humala of Peru: Good afternoon, it is an …
General Assembly: Thirtieth Special Session of the General Assembly on the World Drug Problem (3rd plenary meeting)
The full statements delivered by member states during the UNGASS general debate are available here. Chair: The third plenary meeting of the 30th special session calls to order; the GA continues its meeting Singapore: Mister President, Singapore is happy to be participating to UNGASS 2016. To discuss the global drug problem, we need to ask a …
UNGASS Roundtable 1: Demand reduction and related measures
Demand reduction and related measures, including prevention and treatment, as well as health-related issues; an ensuring the availability of controlled substances for medical and scientific purposes, while preventing their diversion. (‘Drugs and health’) Chair: in order to encourage an interactive discussion, this will be conducted without a list of speakers. All participants at round tables …
Side Event: COPOLAD II: Towards an Improved Response to Drugs Challenges
[First half missing] Andrew Gordon, Ministry of National Security, Trinidad and Tobago: Most drugs found within our territories are externally produced. The Caribbean is interested in repeating seminars on trafficking for law enforcement. Would like to tackle precursor chemicals and NPS, but concerned statistics on use and misuse to synthetic drugs are scarce. Javier Andres …