L3. Promoting research on evidence-based interventions for the treatment and care of stimulant use disorders E/CN.7/2025/L.3 (…) Chair: There are several paragraphs in this document that have been agreed during informals, so we will go through those first. PP1 Agreed in CoW. PP4 Agreed in CoW. PP5 Agreed in CoW PP8 Agreed in CoW PP10 …
CND Intersessional – Session 5 – Legal, Scientific, and Regulatory Challenges in Scheduling Substances

2024 Thematic Discussions on the Implementation of All International Drug Policy Commitments, Following-up to the 2019 Ministerial Declaration Chair: Good Morning. Secretariat: (organizational matters + scheduling 101) Moderator/intro: Mr. Justice Tettey, Chief, Drugs, Laboratory and Scientific Services Branch, UNODC: Good morning, dear colleagues. Thank you for this opportunity to address the question you posed about …
CND Intersessional – Session 3 – Challenges in Illicit Cultivation and Production of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances

2024 Thematic Discussions on the Implementation of All International Drug Policy Commitments, Following-up to the 2019 Ministerial Declaration Chair: (Welcome) Secretariat: (organizational matters) Moderator/ intro, Ms. Anja Korenblik, Chief, Geospatial Analysis and Programme Delivery Section, RAB, UNODC: Good morning, everyone. We’ll begin this session on the challenges in the cultivation and production of narcotic drugs and psychoactive substances …
Committee of the Whole (Tuesday afternoon)
L3. Promoting rehabilitation and recovery management programmes as part of the comprehensive treatment of drug use disorders – sponsored by Chile Chair: Good Afternoon, we are tackling an L3 and L5 for an hour and half. Would like to start on a positive note, I was happy to see a consensus on scheduling in Plenary …
2023 CND & CCPCJ Reconvened Session
Secretariat: Distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen, As many of you are aware, the term of Her Excellency Ambassador (…), who served as the chair of the CCPCJ 32nd session, concluded at the onset of this conference. On 17 November, the Secretariat received a note from the chair of the African region nominating His Excellency, the Ambassador …
CND Thematic Discussions // Session 8 – High transmission of HIV, HCV and other blood-borne diseases associated with drug use
Presenter 1, UNODC: Thank you, Mr. Chair, excellencies, ladies, and gentlemen. I will briefly discuss the lessons learned in the actual UNODC Partnership Project addressing drug use issues in Afghanistan amid the continuing humanitarian crisis. The project received funding support from the European Union for the implementation period 2023 to 2026. Addressing existing fragilities, including …