Lack of access to essential controlled medicines is still a major issue especially in low income countries. Countries need to aim for a balanced policy. WHO provides technical assistance to countries to access medicines while ensure controlled medicines aren’t used outside of medical settings.
World Health Organization (WHO)
Changes in the in the scope of control of substances – WHO recommends rescheduling of GHB
WHO recommends GHB rescheduled from schedule 4 to 2 in the 1971 convention. Under UN conventions, GHB was placed in schedule 4, the expert committee found evidence of dependence and withdrawal. Used as a medicine in only a small number some countries for a number of rare medical conditions. It is used in the production …
Plenary, Day 3. Drug demand reduction and treatment : WHO
UNODC and WHO work together in many countries in delivering as one in the UN system. We are helping to increase the capacity of the health care sector supporting drug users, training health professional and service providers. WHO provides provisions of harm reduction for IDU.
Plenary Day 3: WHO
We provide medical and scientific advice on drug control and without the WHO, the INCB wouldn’t be able to make changes in scheduling drugs. We haven’t been able to hold our expert committee on drug dependence, hence the backlog on scheduling substances since 2006. Will meet in june 2012 to address these new substances which …
Committee of the whole – Resolution L5: strengthening cooperation on controlling pre-cursors
CND day 4 – Committee of the whole: L5 continued Peru: We have come up with compromised language and we have a new OP11. “Member states to continue to submit to the unodc, through the anrq, information related to questions related to cases of illicit traffic in their jurisdiction…” EU: I would like to refer …
CND day 3 – WHO statement on HIV and drug treatment
Services are not reaching needs and do not respond to human rights principles and available evidence. Opioid dependence is the greatest drug problem. 2 years ago, WHO provided guidelines on opioid dependence treatment. It is estimated that only 10% of people who need treatment are receiving it. New document released today. Efforts should also be …