There have need many important items than havent yet been evaluated, such as mephedrone, ketamine and so on… a lack of funding has been major cause. We have to find sustainable funding to support the work of the CND
World Health Organization (WHO)
CND Day 3 – WHO Plenary Statement on the availability of narcotic drugs for scientific purposes
This is the second year that this has been on the CND’s agenda and is pleased this problem is receiving attention. WHO established the access to controlled medicines programme in 2007 which works with the INCB. This is supported by regional organisations and NGOs. WHO is working with the INCB on a manual for ensuring …
WHO statement on access to controlled medicines
WHO welcomes attention of INCB to this issue. Part of the drug control regime must be to maximise the availability of narcotics for medical use. WHO welcomes INCB’s call for more attention by states to the issue of access to controlled medicines. WHO welcomes INCB’s recognition that access to the medicines on the WHO list …
UNODC-WHO Joint Programme on Drug Dependence Treatment and Care Announced
This morning at 11:30am UNODC and WHO signed an agreement to support a joint programme on drug dependence treatment and care and the programme was launched at a lunchtime satellite session to the High Level Meeting of the CND today. The aim of the programme is to promote policies that strike a balance between the …