Uruguay: We would like the CND to pay active attention to the participation of civil society organisations, such as NGO’s, trade unions and so on… In the previous paragraph we think “religious organisations” should be added to the list of civil society organisations. The following should also be addedas well as “access to internationally controlled …
Committee of the Whole – Resolution on Universal Access
The Committee debated the language of a draft resolution proposed by the EU, Norway and Thailand entitled ‘Achieving universal access to treatment, care and support for people with HIV, including injecting drug users, by 2010‘. There was significant debate on preambular paragraph 3, which as drafted stated: ‘Concerned that the coverage of HIV prevention services …
CND day 1 Round table on public health and safety issues: Zimbabwe
In Zimbabwe, we enagage in promotional acitivities promoting healthy lifestyle
Committee of the Whole – Consideration of resolutions
Delegation want to support Argentina cannot accpt chanbge to 1 and 2 Mexico delegation agrees with previous countries teaxt has been painfully China supports what was said by Sudan and other delegation Pakistan minimum agreed upon the previous speakers Colombia ab lib Russian Fed supoorts aht was the agreed text Indonesia agree withe the resolution …