Kenya: Congratulations Ambassador on your election as Chair. My delegation aligns with the African Group and would inform the following in national capacity. Has the potential to destroy communities and wipe out communities. People using controlled substances has been on the upward. Consumer markets have expanded, and we see a new and volatile drug combinations …
Committee of the Whole — Monday afternoon session
L.2. Promoting comprehensive, scientific evidence-based and multisectoral national systems of drug use prevention for children Chair: Welcome to the first CoW for the 68th CND session. This committee will have eight meetings, starting this afternoon through to Friday morning. We will suspend our work on Wednesday morning when voting in-person on agenda number 5. A …
Item 3. General Debate (Cont.)
Item 3. General Debate (Cont.) Iran. I wish to congratulate you for your election. I wish to thank the executive director for organizing this. The global issue of narcotic drugs is undergoing big issues. We are witnessing the emergence of NPS that have challenged monitoring and controlling systems. In order to have a more effective …
Side event: Shaping the future: Preparedness for a changing drug landscape
Mr Carl Hallergard, EU Ambassador to the International Organisations in Vienna. Welcome to this side event. Today, we wanted to present to you the pledges for action we all made last year. The EUDA has said it: drugs are everywhere, there’s everything, and it affects everyone. Gangs are recruiting young people in their business. The …
Opening of the 68th Session of the CND
Item 1. Election of officers CND Chair. It’s an honour to welcome you to the 68th session of the CND. I thank all my colleagues at the extended bureau and secretariat. With over 2,000 participants, this is one of the largest CNDs. The CND can be followed in Boardroom A and UN Web TV. The …
68th Session of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs (#CND68) – CND Blog Index

68th Session of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs (#CND68) – CND Blog Index Below, the CND Blog offers an Index of the 100+ hours of real-time non-literal blogging material captured during the 68th UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs. Please note the timings are mostly based on the official Programme, and may not perfectly coincide …