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2024 Midterm Review

67th Session of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs (#CND67) – CND Blog Index

Below, the CND Blog offers an Index of the 100+ hours of real-time non-literal blogging material captured during the 67th UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs. Please note the timings are mostly based on the official Programme, and may not perfectly coincide with the timings of the actual proceedings. INDEX Plenary Committee of the Whole Side …

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Round Table 2 – The Way Forward: The Road to 2029

Germany/Chair: Hello, welcome to our discussion regarding the way forward in advancing the implementation of all international drug policy commitments in light of the 2029 finally view of certain 2019 Ministerial Declaration in accordance with CND Resolution 66 Adopted by the Commission last March, this roundtable will consist of panel interventions followed by an interactive …

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