Louise Van Deth, AIDS Fonds. I’m proud to chair this all women panel. The Dutch elections were followed closely by the whole world, it stopped the trend of disasters in elections. Since we are also a small group, I’d also like to invite you, when you have questions and comments, to state your name and say …
Civil Society Participation
Side event: Human rights and drug control: Hierarchy of norms and flexibility for member states
Human Rights and drug control: Hierarchy of norms and flexibility. Richard Lines. International legal obligations as dynamic, non-value driven?, both value-driven approach and non-value driven (medical and scientific approach) fit in drug control system, Death penalty for drug offences, death penalty is not mandate it violates HR treaties, not having the death penalty does not …
Side event: The need for proportionality: State responses to drug-related offences
Werner Sipp, INCB. The international community is faced with a number of challenges – one of which is how states should respond to drug related offences. The role of INCB is to explain how this challenge can be met within the frame of the three international drug conventions. This side event is part of this work. …
Side event: Drug Policy Reform in West Africa
Francis Kofi Torkornoo, Narcotics Control Board, Ghana. Our mandate is both for drug supply reduction and demand reduction. Within these two mandates, most of the resources have been spent in the supply reduction work, with demand reduction getting between 15 and 20% of the resources. Ghana is committed to the UNGASS Outcome Document from 2016, as …
Side event: Alternatives to incarceration in Latin America and the Caribbean
Side event organised by the Washington Office on Latin America, the International Drug Policy Consortium, Dejusticia, the Social Science Research Council, and Colectivo de Estudios Drogas y Derechos Sergio Chaparro, DeJusticia. I want to thank the organisers of the event, especially SSRC. I want to highlight 3 facts from our report ‘Irrational punishment: Drug laws and …
Side event: Are drug policies protecting youth?
Organised by Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP). Orsi Feher (Students for Sensible Drug Policy, Vienna) Hello and welcome. As representatives of SSDP, we represent 264 chapters over 26 countries, including Nigeria, Austria, United States. We will be speaking about our own experiences. As I am originally from Hungary I will be speaking about Hungary. …