Malta en representación de la UE: Es un honor hablar en nombre de la Unión Europea y sus Estados miembros. Los siguientes países se alinean a esta declaración: La Antigua República Yugoslava de Macedonia, Montenegro, Islandia, Serbia, Albania, Bosnia y Herzegovina, Ucrania, la República de Moldova, Georgia y Noruega. La UE y sus Estados Miembros …
CND Intersessionals
CND intersessional – 23 February 2017: Preparations for the 62nd Session in 2019
WHO: The role of the WHO is to determine whether drugs and NPS should be controlled or, if controlled, if their schedule should be changed. This decision is made by the ECDD with decisions made on scientific grounds. Elements considered include: likelihood of abuse (compared with existing controlled substances), convertibility into existing controlled substances, degree …
CND intersessional – 25 January 2017: Preparations for the 62nd Session in 2019
CND Chair. Member states established 2019 as the set date for the 2009 political declaration. This will take into account the 2030 Agenda and the UNGASS outcome document, and the CND will therefore have to decide how to organise itself for 2019. Last week I convened meetings with four regional groups and listened to ideas in …
CND intersessional – 25 January 2017: Preparations for the 60th CND
CND Chair. The CND will take place from 13th to 17th March. The pre-session consultations will be held on 10th March as you are all aware, this will be a special session as we are celebrating the 60th anniversary. The provisional agenda was approved by ECOSOC. The CND decided to subsume agenda item 4 with agenda item …
CND intercessional – 25 January 2017: Operational recommendations on Strengthening international cooperation based on the principle of common and shared responsibility
Angela Me, UNODC. UNGASS has enabled us to understand the new realities and to build on objective and quality information. This is what I can read from the outcome document in terms of data and statistics. We need more and better information, especially on NPS, on the dark net. Research has been undertaken at regional level …
CND intersessional: 24 January 2017 – Operational recommendations on Alternative development; regional, interregional and international cooperation on development-oriented balanced drug control policy; addressing socio-economic issues
Chair. I have the pleasure to invite George Hughes, from UNODC. George Hughes, UNODC. Thank you, Mr chairman. Pleasure to be here again to talk about chapter 7. Presentation about what the CND can do to help implement chapter 7. No specific recommendations about what the commission can do. A number of base elements that …