Chair: I now invite secretariat from the governing body to make remarks. Secretariat: Work of subsidiary bodies undertaken in 2019. Was a year where we had all 5 meetings. The meeting in Lisbon in July was the first meeting ever that was at the opening and had both the Minister of Justice and Health. Both …
CND Sessions
Side event: Voices of the Quchaqbar – Understanding opiate trafficking in Afghanistan from the perspective of drug traffickers
Organized by Afghanistan, and UNODC Programme Development and Management Unit Anja Korenblik, UNODC [Welcoming remarks and introduction of speakers] Michel Osman, UNODC This report is unique as it conducted qualitative research and interviewed traffickers in Afghanistan that had not been charged, or had any criminal justice involvement. We interviewed 41 traffickers — they were all …
Side Event: Accelerating support for increasing access to controlled medicines while preventing diversion and non-medical use
Organized by Australia, Belgium, Canada, El Salvador and the Russian Federation, and European Union, UNODC Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section, Union for International Cancer Control, Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs and World Health Organization Miwa Kato, UNODC 80% of world defines opioid crises as not having access to opioids. How do we work this out …
Side Event: Good Practices in Cross-Sectoral Cooperation: Civil Society Involvement in Policymaking in Europe
Organized by Finland and Spain, and Civil Society Forum on Drugs in Europe, Correlation – European Harm Reduction Network, European Union, Foreningen for Human Narkotikapolitikk, International Drug Policy Consortium, Rights Reporter Foundation and Youth Organisations for Drug Action. Moderator – Marie Nougier, International Drug Policy Consortium: Talking about good practice examples of how civil society and …
Side event: Lessons learned from marijuana legalization
Organised by Smart Approaches to Marijuana Community Alliances for Drug Free Youth: This is supported by Kevin Sabet and Sam. You may not know it, but I’m not Kevin Sabet – and neither is she. Kevin asked if I’d do a small, seven minute presentation at his event. The morning I got on the plane …
Side event: Forced treatment, people who use drugs and the right to health: empirical evidence from Asia and Latin America
Organized by Equis Justicia Para Las Mujeres A.C., the International Drug Policy Consortium, and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights Leigh Toomey, Vice Chair, UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention: (Intro) Annette Verster, World Health Organization: Health and welfare of humankind are the fundamental underpinnings of the Conventions. This is very important …