Agenda item 6 Item 6. Follow-up to the implementation at the national, regional and international levels of all commitments, as reflected in the Ministerial Declaration of 2019, to address and counter the world drug problem (a) Consideration of the improved and streamlined annual report questionnaire, as reflected in the Ministerial Declaration of 2019 Chair: We …
CND Sessions
Side Event: Youths-At-Risk: Targeted Interventions for Youths Who Abuse Drugs
Organized by Peru and Singapore, and Colombo Plan Drug Advisory Programme and UNODC Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section. Singapore: Singapore’s approach to youth and prevention. In 2011/12, Singapore established an inter-ministry taskforce on drugs to review abuse situation, study trends and challenges, and recommend strategies. Recommended to review how we provide rehabilitation to youth. In …
Side Event: Working towards equitable access to treatment of problematic substance use for Indigenous peoples
Organized by Canada and New Zealand, and New Zealand Drug Foundation, Te Rau Ora Ltd and the Thunderbird Partnership Foundation. Michelle Boudreau, Health Canada: Welcome. Sincere thanks to organizers that did an tremendous amount work to prepare for this event. First Nations peoples experience extremely high levels violence and poverty and intergenerational trauma due to …
Side Event: Beyond Prevention: Empowering Youth to Build Up Their Future
Organized by Italy, and Drug Free America Foundation, EURAD, Movendi International, San Patrignano Foundation, Turkish Green Crescent Society and World Federation Against Drugs. Stig Erik Sorheim, Europe Against Drugs (EURAD): We make choices within our available options. Prevention aims to reduce exposure to risk factors and equip youth to handle risks they are exposed to. …
Side Event: Trippin’ Through Nightlife: Innovative Approaches Preventing Harms and Risks of Drug Use in Recreational Settings
Organized by France, Lithuania and Portugal, and Pompidou Group (Council of Europe). Grazina Belian, Drug, Tobacco and Alcohol Control Department, Lithuania: In festival spaces, provide services including information, rapid HIV tests, alcohol intoxication testing, psychological help, drinking water, condoms, and safe place. A lot of discussion with music festival attendees to provide evidence-based, unbiased information …
Side Event: Amphetamines: Current and Future Innovations in Policy, Harm Reduction and Regulation
Organized by Transform Drug Policy Foundation. Steve Rolles, Transform Drug Policy Foundation: Amphetamines and methamphetamines are both available as legal medicines and via the illegal market, either diverted or via unregulated production. Production around amphetamines is somewhat easy to answer, as we already have a scaled up legal model for medical use. Could expand the …