Director of Division for Policy Analysis, UNODC: conference room papers CRP.5 and CRP.10 have been submitted to this session. UNGASS outcome document reaffirmed purpose of collaboration and strengthening international cooperation. UNODC joins forces with other UN agencies and Secretariat supports CND to strengthen cooperation, including status of women and UN Statistical Commission, and SDGs. Want …
CND Sessions
Item 11. Follow-up to the special session of the General Assembly on the world drug problem held in 2016, including the seven thematic areas of the outcome document of the special session (Afternoon session)
Indonesia: Nearly 3 years have passed since UNGASS – we have been committed to advancing promotion of human rights. In addressing the drug problems whilst protecting human rights the government has provided funding for therapy programmes for drug users and special needs populations such as women and children. It is important that human rights are …
Committee of the Whole, L8. Enhancing the capacity of Member States to ensure the availability of controlled substances
OP 1 Russia: Providing assistance to states for assessing needs and necessary information to control substances for legitimate purposes, in relation to the title, we have no specific proposal we are ready to accept the title as it is on the screen. Nonetheless we would like to examine the text. Spain: there are three separate …
Special event: Drug policies in the Americas
Amb. Adam Namm, CICAD/OAS: (…) Roberto Moro, SEDRONAR: We welcome the report Secretary Namm just mentioned. We’re building policies based on evidence allowing us to make policy decisions adapted to our countries. Working beyond UNGASS, these guidelines should continue help us develop and build strategies. It’s a complex work if we take into account all recommendations, …
Informal Dialogue with the INCB President
International Drug Policy Consortium: In May 2018, the INCB invited civil society for an informal discussion around medicinal cannabis. This was a very positive step to ensure that civil society could raise critical issues with the INCB. Could you inform us as to whether you are planning any future similar consultations with civil society? Viroj Sumyai, …
Item 11. Follow-up to the special session of the General Assembly on the world drug problem held in 2016, including the seven thematic areas of the outcome document of the special session
John Brandolino, UNODC: As highlighted in the ministerial declaration; the acceleration of the UNGASS document will be in the focus of the commission beyond 2019. The UNGASS provides a comprehensive set that addresses all aspects of the WDP. The negotiation of the draft document was adopted by consensus. Through resolution 60/1 the commission asked UNDOC …