Organised by Conectas, the Brazilian Drug Policy Platform, the Washington Office on Latin America and the Centre for Legal and Social Studies. Today we will be talking about how drug control policies and the militarisation of the Americas are related to each other. There are 2 specific moments related to this context: (1) last year, …
CND Sessions
Side event: Strengthening the evidence base on drug use in Nigeria
Organized by the Government of Nigeria and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Country Office for Nigeria Vivian Okeke, the Nigerian Ambassador, welcomed all on behalf of the organizers. She emphasized the strong partnership between the Nigerian government and the UNODC country team. The first ever national survey on drug use in Nigeria …
Committee of the Whole – Monday afternoon (L6. Promoting Alternative Development as a development-oriented drug control strategy)
Title Chair: No comments PP1 Mexico: During consultations on this draft resolution, we had expressed our concern with the reference to the 2030 Agenda. We know for the US, it is important to have adequate language. We suggest “recalling” to be substituted with “as was reiterated”, to take into account the US proposal that there’s a …
Committee of the Whole – Monday afternoon (L5 – Enhancing forensic detection capability for synthetic drugs through increasing international collaboration)
Australia: Our resolution seeks to look at capability-building in the area of supply-reduction, particularly forensics. Primarily on health and safety, community protection and disposal. Hence references to information sharing. We have had good engagement in two informal sessions (Wednesday morning, and earlier today). Some text included now. All but two occasions agreed. Chair: Let’s consider the …
Plenary: Item 9. Implementation of the international drug control treaties
European Union: the EU and its member states are committed to the implementation of the three un drug conventions. The EU and its member states welcome the opportunity to reflect on drug control and human rights. Successful drug control intervention needs to be evidence-based approached in line with the drug control convention. The protection of human …
Side event: Réformes politiques et lois sur les drogues en Afrique de l’Ouest
Cisse Mariama Mohamed, Union Africaine. Je voudrais remercier les organisateurs du side-event qui nous réunit aujourd’hui. Le phénomène de la drogue n’épargne aucun continent et l’Afrique est devenu aujourd’hui un lieu de prédilection des trafiquants mais aussi du crime organisé tirant profit du trafic. Les conséquences sont énormes, non seulement sur le plan économique mais aussi de …