Organized by the Foreningen for Human Narkotikapolitikk with the support of the Correlation-European Harm Reduction Network and the International Drug Policy Consortium Marie Nougier, International Drug Policy Consortium: The event will provide an overview of criminalisation and decriminalisation models in the Nordic countries. Solidarity with Ukraine and the humanitarian crisis there. Over the past few …
Side Events
Side Event: Global Access to Medicinal Cannabis: Programs, Challenges and Solutions
Global Access to Medicinal Cannabis: Programs, Challenges and Solutions Thursday, March 17th, 2020 Sponsored By: Veterans Action Council Moderator: Etienne Fontanne, Veterans Action Council Speakers: Dr. Pavel Pachta, International Narcotics Control Board (INCB), former Deputy Secretary Dr. Ethan Russo, CReDO Science, Founder and CEO Michael Krawitz, Veterans for Medical Cannabis Access, Executive Director Carola …
Side Event: Addressing the Global Synthetic Drug Problem: UNODC Synthetic Drug Strategy
Organizer: UNODC Laboratory and Scientific Service Co-sponsors: Canada & United States of America Co-sponsors: Canada & United States of America Moderator: Mr. Jean-Luc Lemahieu, Director, Division of Policy Analysis and Public Affairs, UNODC Summary: The global synthetic drug problem is complex requiring dynamic and comprehensive strategies supported by interagency and international cooperation. Join us to learn …
Side event: Challenging the criminalization of poverty and marginalization in Africa – and beyond
Organised by the Penal Reform International with the support of Ghana, the African Policing Civilian Oversight Forum and the International Drug Policy Consortium [youtube] Doreen N Kyazze, Penal Reform International. Our panellists will present initiatives on decriminalisation of drug use and petty offences in Africa. While this initiative is Africa led, we will be looking …
Side event: The Global Drug Policy Index 2021: A global tool for evaluation and accountability
Recording in English: [youtube] Recording in Spanish: [youtube] Recording in Russian: [youtube] Marie Nougier, IDPC: Good morning, good afternoon and good evening to you all, and welcome to this side event organised at the occasion of the 65 session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs to launch the Global Drug Policy Index. My name …
The Inequalities that Drive the HIV/AIDS Epidemic Among People Who Use Drugs and People in Prisons
Moderator: Monica Ciupagea Expert, Drug use and HIV, UNODC: Welcome to all, thank you for joining us for this side event. Fariba Soltani, Chief of HIV/AIDS Section, Global HIV Coordinator, UNODC will be opening, thank you Fariba. Speaker: Fariba Soltani Chief of HIV/AIDS Section, Global HIV Coordinator, UNODC: Thank you very much to all who …