Side Event: Introducing the Asia-Pacific Civil Society Common Position on Drugs Organised by the Vienna NGO Committee, Australia, Associação de Tratamento de Toxicodependentes de Macau, IMAECSED, PYO and UNODC. Dr. Penny Hill, Vienna NGO Committee (Moderator): Today we are excited to introduce the Asia-Pacific Civil Society Common Position on Drugs, led by the ad-hoc working …
Side Events
Side event: Collaboration with civil society and governments in drug policies
Organized by Lithuania with the support of Czechia, and the Council of Europe – Pompidou Group and the Eurasian Harm Reduction Association Full recording available here Elena Hedoux, Senior Programme Officer of Council of Europe – Pompidou Group: The Pompidou Group recognises the importance of civil society participation as an important element of the democratic process …
Side Event: Police and Drug Treatment Together: The Global Emergence of Deflection as a Humanitarian Crime Reduction Approach to Drugs
Organized by the Chicago T.A.S.C. Inc. with the support of the Council of Europe – Pompidou Group, the Knowmad Institut gemeinnützige UG (haftungsbeschränkt), the Police, Treatment, and Community Collaborative and the Villa Maraini Foundation This CND Side Event will present a newly emerging global field of practice called “deflection”, which sits at the nexus of …
Side event: Let’s talk about drugs – substance education among the youth
Side event organised by Youth Organisations for Drug Action with the support of the Eurasian Harm Reduction Association. Eliza Kurcevic, Eurasian Harm Reduction Association. Thanks for joining us, we have great colleagues and partners joining us today to share their experience of how they are educating people on drugs. A few years ago, we identified a …
Side Event: Ending Inequalities for People who Use Drugs: How the Global HIV Response can Transform Drug Policy (and vice versa)
Organized by the Medecins du monde with the support of Australia, the Netherlands, and the International Network of People who Use Drugs, the UNAIDS and the UNODC HIV/AIDS Section The new Global AIDS Strategy and 2021 Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS include bold new targets on ‘social enablers’ and community involvement which can …
Side event: Drug Trafficking through gender lenses: Women’s involvement and impact on their lives
Angela Me, UNODC: What we want to discuss with you today is to see whether this neutral approach is still valid. There are differences between women and men and particularly if women had certain roles in drug trafficking in general. So we have a panel that we have divided into two; one to present some …