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Georgia Speech to HLM

We have in Georgia decided that it is necessary to have a return towards a more humane drug policy and we have involved ourselves increasingly in preventive and treatment programmes – these have become much more extensive throughout our country and include opioid substitution therapies, financing of programmes, as well as drug dependency treatments and harm reduction as well. This makes Georgia a leader in promoting evidence base in the Caucuses. Georgia is very tempting for narcotic drug traffickers all the more so because we are in a state of war and part of our territory is occupied by others and so cannot be controlled so it is of primordial importance not to halt or suspend any projects already ongoing with the EU and UN efforts within our country over the last 6 years. We have registered some successful results but we are worred that the numbers of drug users are not falling. There is more proliferation going on and there is diversification into ATS and high prevalence of hepatitis as well as overdoses and criminal behaviour of drug users in general. Crime has dropped in our country thanks to law enforcement efforts however there is not a total drop of drug related offences per se, this is one of the remaining thorny and difficult tasks so far elusive of all our efforts. We must also bear in mind the need in our country to afford access to our citizens who need acute and chronic pain relief. In this respect it is essential to adopt the political declaration. We hope it will be incorporating the positive experience required with regard to drug demand reduction. It is necessary to stymie diversions of deliveries from Georgia and other states. We must remember that in Georgia harm reduction mitigates the social and health effects of drug use and this should be reflected in the political declaration. We need to guarantee treatment. We would like to point out in a couple of years time we are coming up to jubilee celebration, we haven’t had sea changes regards to drugs we have had new forms of drugs, manufacturing techniques, and both manufacturing and sale of drugs has gone global – there has been a transformation of drug profiles that are emerging and we have to develop a single drug convention based on acquired experience over last 100 years. We certainly hope that the near future will be marking successes in relation to international communities.

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