We wish to report on progress made. Like most countries South Africa also faces major challenges on narcotic drugs – Cannabis use is twice the global norm. The South African government has endeavoured to give effect to the action plans of 1998. The central drug authority is technically supported by the national and provincial government departments. As a further demand reduction strategy the south African government in partnership promotes prevention, early intervention, treatment etc. We follow broader programes on social economic issues such as poverty eradication, housing , health, and other development programmes. Law enforcement and supply reduction of course are part of our approach. We have an Extradition Act and Organised Crime Act and all are implemented in conjunction with our partners. South Africa is not a major manufacturing state but clandestine manufacturing has been taking place over the last decade. This is reflected in seizures and the discoveries of plants. Recently the South African police has published a logo index for use by law enforcement officers. The South African Government is particularly looking forward to strengthening action with international partners and with UNODC, EU, INCB for the eradication of poverty on our continent and uprooting the scourge of narcotic drugs as south Africa strives to shape its future identity, we are proud to be part of this work.