Home » CND day 4 – Plenary statement of Spain on behalf of the EU on drug trafficking and supply

CND day 4 – Plenary statement of Spain on behalf of the EU on drug trafficking and supply

Illicit drugs are easily accessible. Transnational organised groups intensify their actions and capacities, using new technologies. Further enhancement of international cooperation is crucial to tackle this issue. We offer our unconditional commitment to respect for human rights principles, but also seek to act against illicit drug trafficking.

EU Plan of Action 2009-2012: integrated, multi-disciplinary and balanced approach, which builds on the existing framework, but is also based on lessons learned.
One aim is to respond to emerging threats. We welcome the Secretariat’s report on drug trafficking. The global drug situation continues to pose challenges and requires a more universal and cooperative response. Data and information collection, reporting and sharing is a crucial element for that response. Quality data and sufficient resources, as well as training for law enforcement agencies are very important in that sense.

Afghanistan records the highest production of opium in the world, although it seems to have decreased over the 2009 year. The situation, however, might experience setbacks. The EU expresses its concern on the high level of opium production and trafficking and the security threats it has at the regional and international levels. We need to continue assisting neighbouring transit countries, on the principle of shared responsibility. We call upon the international community to increase international and regional cooperation, including through the monitoring of trends in synthetic drugs. We hope that the international community will agree on the best possible solution to this threat. We welcome the 2009 survey on opium cultivation in Asia. We are aware of the vulnerability of these regions and stress the need for cooperation in these regions.

The EU reaffirms the need for further cooperation to combat the increase in cocaine trafficking. The EU develops joint efforts to support regional law enforcement capacities, notably in Africa.

Synthetic drug manufacturing and trafficking is also a great concern to the EU. We support pre-export notifications and data sharing to avoid diversion of precursors. We stress the importance of respect of human dignity human rights, international law the rule of law and the principle of proportionality.

The EU’s main progress has been made in police and justice cooperation. The EU arrest warrant and organised crime threat assessment contain many references to drugs and crime. A police data information and intelligence mechanism is also being developed. We support regional meetings that share experiences and lessons learned on law enforcement strategies to curb transnational crime. The recommendations adopted at regional meetings tend to make a reference to the internet and other electronic media on drug trafficking, and the need for exchange of information, interregional cooperation.

The EU recognises the vulnerability of West and North Africa for transnational organised crime. We encourage UNODC to support the ECOWAS regional programme in the region.

The global efforts will not be effective in the absence of efforts to respond to socio-economic factors. Emphasis should be placed on countering poverty and marginalisation of those forced to produce illicit drugs.

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