Home » CND Plenary Day 1 – INCB report

CND Plenary Day 1 – INCB report

INCB annual report 2013 and report on precursor chemicals

Chapter one is devoted to exploring the ways in which drug abuse affects the world. Health, crime, safety, governance. Drug abuse affects especially women and children. Investment in treatment and rehab is a good investment in terms of cost, and society. For every $1 invested in treatment you can save up to $10 on costs. World wide only one in 6 drug users gets the help they need.

In oceania, where non-parties to the conventions are clustered, they are at risk.  INCB urges states who have not acceded to the conventions to do so. INCB also monitor compliance. In terms of Colorado and Washington and their new laws. State licensed cannabis retailers opened on 1 Jan. INCB says that the conventions say that cannabis use can only be for medical and scientific use. INCB will continue to work with the US government to make sure that they comply with the conventions. Uruguayan legislation contravenes the conventions. Looks forward to close cooperation. Reminds that Uruguay is still a party to the convention.

Face to face meetings with member states are important as they allow INCB to work with countries to

INCB values the input of civil society. They like to meet with NGOs when they are visiting countries.

Afghanistan: poppy cultivation reached record high in 2013. The area of eradication decreased. Cannabis is also a challenge. Afghanistan is working more closely with INCB on some issues. International and regional cooperation is essential.

Prescription drugs: abuse has increased in all regions. In some areas it exceeds abuse of illegal drugs.  The board calls on all states to take measures to address this. Address the root causes of over supply, eg doctor shopping. Tramadol overuse is a special topic. INCB requested that states submit data. 81 states gave numbers which are in the report. Abuse of tramadol is a problem in a limited number of countries. There is misuse and diversion. Most of these place tramadol under control. Need to continue to monitor its use/abuse/sale etc and share the data.

Ketamine: currently not under control. INCB called to ketamine to be scheduled in places where it was being abuse.

NPS: a concern to the board. New mechanisms may have to be used. INCB has launched an international campaign called IONS about NPS trafficking.

Precursors: a new report is the most comprehensive report on the subject. Provide practical guidance in limiting their entry into countries. There are good programmes and systems for tracking an information sharing on precursors. Countries not part of these programmes should join up. Many countries are getting better at controlling diversion of precursors internally.

These reports should serve as a stock take of achievements and areas where further work needs to be done.


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