Home » Committee of the Whole – E/CN.7/2014/L.5 (discussions)

Committee of the Whole – E/CN.7/2014/L.5 (discussions)

Raising awareness and strengthening international cooperation in combating drug trafficking, which in some cases, misuses activities related to opium poppy seeds for illicit purposes, also produced from illicit opium poppy crops

Also calls upon MS to consider where appropriate further strengthening bilateral and multilateral cooperation and exchange of information with the INCB within its mandate with a view to contributing effectively toward the implementation of ECOCO resolution 1999/32

Encourages MS in which the import of opium poppy seeds is permitted consistent with ECOSCO resolution 1999/32 28 July 1999 to consider the recommendation 29 of the INCB contained in its 2009 report.

OP 4 bis.  Calls upon the government of countries which export poppy seeds upon request from importing countries to provide the information to the importing countries about the estimated quantum of products and stock of poppy seeds. (India suggestion) estimated to be produced in their territories and the estimates of stock of seeds available with them after each year’s harvest with the importing countries and the INCB so that that the quantum of international trade can be restricted to poppy seeds produced out of licit poppy cultivation only.

Australia, UK, Spain, France, Ireland, Japan others wanted to delete.  Does not reach consensus.
Russia. Took note of lack of consensus.  Can go along with deletion.
India.  We have taken note of lack of consensus but would like to bracket.
Chair.  Don’t have time to come back to it.
India.  Short amendment.  “Calls upon governments of the
Germany.  Not in any position to accept as it is.
UK.  Trade issue and we cannot accept.
Spain doesn’t change substantially
Netherlands. not acceptable
Australia. Agree.
Finland. Unacceptable
Czech.  Delete.
India.  In view of overwhelming opposition we will agree.
Russia. Delete PP5

OP5. Invites MS to exchange where appropriate bilateral and multilateral channels information and practices on ways to prevent attempts to disguise and conceal in other containers opium poppy straw and other narcotic drugs for illicit purposes as well as  (agreed) ??
OP6.  Requests the INCB to continue to invite MS to take appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of article 22 of the SC of 1961 as amended by the 1972 protocol. (agreed)

Title of resolution discussion
India Proposal.  Raising awareness and encouraging international cooperation in combating the movement of poppy seeds misused for the purposes of drug trafficking.  (Russia) produced from illicit opium poppy cultivation.

UK – cannot go along with Russia or India – not about movement of poppy seeds, which is perfectly legitimate international trade.
Japan cannot accept new title.  How to combat the movement of poppy seeds from illicit cultivation is not mentioned in this draft resolution.
India.  What we are talking about is not combating movement of poppy seeds.  We are talking about combating movement of poppy seeds produced from illicit poppy cultivation.  Reflected in resolution and 2011 report.
Germany Cannot accept amended changes.  Should stay as we saw it first on the screen.
Russia.  Sees problem more broadly.  Not only illicit opium cultivation.  Slightly amend the proposal.
Australia.  Can’t accept. Go back to original.
Raising awareness and strengthening international cooperation in combating drug trafficking, which in some cases misuses activities related to opium poppy seeds for illicit purposes also produced from illicit poppy crops. 

 India.  New formulation.  And strengthening cooperation in combating movement of poppy seeds produced from illicit poppy crops.
UK.  Restatement. can’t accept
Germany. Can’t accept.
Russia. Try again.  “misuses activities related to opium poppy seeds for illicit purposes also produced from illicit poppy crops.”
India.  We are ready to go with Russian colleague proposal.
Germany .  Produced from opium poppy crops.
India.  We are ready to accept.
Chair.  Everyone happy with the poppy?

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