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High Level Segment – Adoption of the Joint Ministerial Statement

High level segment called to adopt the resolution E/CN.7/2014/L.15 and will then be submitted to ECOSOC meeting. The resolution was adopted without objection. Available here: http://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/commissions/CND/session/57draft-resolutions.html

Greek delegation. We command the chairman for his work. Take  the floor for EU, Turkey, Montenegro, Bosnia, Lies, Moldova, Switzerland, Chile, Monaco, Mexico, Uruguay, Panama, Argentina, Colombia, Namibia, etc. 
Regret that no language s included on the death penalty as it undermines human dignity, and effects are irreversible. It is against the 1966 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. We welcome the recent decision of INCB to call on countries to consider the abolition of the death penalty for drug offenders. We urge member states to abide by international standards on the death penalty.

Swiss delegation. Explanation from Switzerland, Norway and Liechtenstein. The death penalty is in opposition to our position with regard to all offences. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights says that it should only be applied for very serious crimes and therefore very rarely. The human rights committee says we should very much limit the use of the death penalty. the INCB said that its application was never in the spirit of the conventions. The INCB encourages countries to consider its abolition. In this background, the silence of the JMS on the death penalty is regrettable. It does not take into account our position and that of other bodies. We will continue to promote the abolition of the death penalty. We ask that our agreement with the JMS is on this understanding – capital punishment is not in line with our commitment to combat the world drug problem. International cooperation on drug law enforcement in contingent to respect for all human rights – as well as the right to life. 

Iranian delegation. Two statements: one on the death penalty. Iran, Malaysia, Saudi, China, Vietnam, Singapor, Kiwaut, Egypt, Qatar, Libya, Syria, etc. say that the death penalty is not under the mandate of the CND. But since it has been put forward, we reiterate that there is no international consensus on the issue of the death penalty and it is not prohibited under international law. It is a criminal matter to be decided by each sovereign state. Initiators of this issue clearly think there is only one view on this issue. It is not the case. The death penalty serves as a deterrent in drug trafficking. We ensure that there is no miscarriage of justice.
National capacity statement: reservation on paragraph 44: we have always stressed our commitment in the fight against drug trafficking and crime, and corruption affiliated. From the beginning of consultations, we promoted the need to promote the fight against narcotic drugs, with flexibility for consensus. But under reference of the financial action task force, we think there have been political and biased motives. We don;t want to give legitimacy to this task force. I request that this is reflected in the final report.

Ecuador delegation. We were part of the consensus statement that summarises on what we have to do in the next 5 years. But there are mentions that need to change. The conventions were established in a different cultural and historical context. this is now outdated, in particular in many Latin American countries. Tackling the drug problem should not only be done within the framework of the 3 conventions. I want this to be included in the minutes.

Thailand delegation. We uphold our commitment to the 2009 political declaration. My delegation hopes that the JMS adopted will mark an important milestone for shared responsibility in combating drug trafficking through all possible means. 

UNODC Executive Director. This document reinforces the principle of shared responsibility for all countries, recognises progress achieved and identifies remaining challenges in demand, supply and money laundering. I welcome the JMS emphasis in addressing these challenges in a comprehensive and balanced manner under human rights obligations. I welcome the statements from member states of acknowledgement of UNODC’s work. Importance of broad, inclusive and scientific discussion on how to counter the world drug problem. It provides a strong basis for debate ahead of UNGASS 2016. I thank the chair again for his commitment and all members of bureau, vice chairs, etc. Thanks go to all colleagues from UNODC who worked hard, interpreters, etc. 

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