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High Level Segment – Statement by Iran

I thank UNODC ED for organising the meeting. I appreciate representatives of other countries for their accuracy and patience. The outcomes of this meeting and eventual adoption of the statement play a considerable role in synergy of policies and goals in drugs to alleviate the pain of people who have fallen victim of narcotic drugs – protecting innocent people from the hands of drug traffickers.

The Political Declaration and Plan of Action indicates that the implementation has not been the same in all parts of the world. In the absence of a comprehensive approach and because of negligence, there have been spill-overs in other countries. In the past 5 years, there has been a growing trend of cultivation and smuggling. E.g. in Afghanistan. Meaning escalation of traffic, organised crime and insecurity and loss of lives. This has led to further diversion in precursors. The manufacture of psychotropic and narcotic drugs is also growing. this means life and property loss for Iran and others.

We remain committed to the implementation of the Political Declaration and other treaties. We have adopted a balanced strategy incorporating demand and supply reduction. Plans include:
– the amendment of the Narcotics Act on the manufacture and consumption of amphetamines
– legislation on money laundering and chemical precursors and organised crime
– setting up a database
– reviewing and implementing a national strategy to combat narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances
– in 2013 the law enforcement agency implemented thousands of actions and seized drugs and weapons
– we cooperate with neighbouring and other countries
– many law enforcement agencies have lost their lives due to the violence associated with drug trafficking
– for demand reduction, 80% of treatment and harm reduction services are provided by NGOs
– Iran’s drug control efforts will be boosted this year, through the adoption of a community based approach to promote CSO work. This means that people from all communities can participate with NGOs and the private sector in the fields of demand and supply reduction. This is based on the principle of common and shared responsibility

Drug cultivation and production have increased, as well as organised crime. We offer this proposal to the international community – to develop alternative livelihoods programmes in Afghanistan. Regretfully no action has been taken to offer technical and financial assistance to people affected by neighbouring countries’ drug problem. The volume and enormity of the drugs flow makes it difficult to tackle. Intelligence sharing with governments is key. The transfer of financial proceeds from crime are not at a sufficient level.

Please click here to view the full statement: http://myconference.unov.org//Documents/Get/61fd69e7-d0b7-4df2-a935-97c5384434e1

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