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High Level Segment – Statement by Jordan

I pay respect to Yury Fedotov and his team for their contribution they ave made in the context of the high level review of the political declartion and plan of action. That cooperation has made achievements but challenges remain. We must continue to push forward for more dialogue and cooperation. I want to reaffirm Jordan’s commitment to our work to combat the world drug problem. We also stress our commitment to adopt integrated policies.

In line with the political declaration, the Jordanian National Council to Combat Drugs has issued a new strategy through partnerships with governmental agencies and NGOs – prevention, awareness and treatment. We have adopted a comprehensive approach towards drugs. We exchange best practices with relevant states. We work with the EC on prevention among youth. We have targeted demand and supply reduction. We are one of the first countries that have signed the 1988 convention.

The drug problem does not have a magic solution. We need policies, strategies on the long term. We need partnerships with local communities and NGOs. We need to ensure adequate income generation, and ensure social security for people coming out of drug abuse.

There are also challenges in diverting the diversion of chemicals. We also want to control tramadol and others more effectively, in collaboration with UNODC, WHO and INCB.

We must note the dangers of the political developments in countries in conflict and the dangers of drug and human trafficking to neighbouring countries. This has imposed pressure on Jordan and others. We have conducted seizures of many drugs in our border. These cases require exceptional cooperation with all affected parties.

Please click here to view the full statement: http://myconference.unov.org//Documents/Get/77806e3d-55fa-46c5-a092-ba36313b1278

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