My country is honoured to participate in this international meeting on the world drug problem, and to end drug abuse. As we know, the plan of action of 2009 includes measures to reduce demand and supply and to combat money laundering and trafficking. It promotes enhanced judicial cooperation.
My country seeks to end this phenomenon that wrecks our society. In 1999, we adopted a very repressive text against users and traffickers with at least 1 to 20 years in prison. We also have institutions charged of combating drug trafficking: drug committee (for drug policies and actions), police department. In 2013, we were able to detain 1,900 traffickers. We are about to approve a text that will enable us to seize and confiscate assets from drug trafficking. For international cooperation, we want to show that e are doing everything possible to end this scourge.
We are enrolled in a training programme coordinated by UNODC. We have also ratified different instruments and treaties. We participate in an inter-governmental action group. But Cote d’Ivoire does not have sufficient structures for drug addicts. Treatment and rehab are the best way to combat drug use. But we also need international cooperation and assistance. We are in the midst of a legislative review. We must build and equip ourselves with a treatment centre in West Africa. Judicial cooperation is also crucial.
We need to work shoulder to shoulder to confront this global threat to create a world free of drugs. We launch an appeal to all nations who are not yet parties to the conventions to do so.
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